Thursday, April 12, 2012

Further into the school building

Now inside we can see an area ment for coffeedrinking or just talking. Above we can see the open learning-area where we have computers and studieplaces for students. In case of sparetime they can study by themselves or with help from jokerteachers, as we call them. They help them in maths, physics, electronics and so on.

By the way, my name is Jörg Örnberg. I´m a teacher in technical subjects such as mecatronics. In our school we here include mechanical things that moves and have an electronical touch, such as industrial robots, equipment which moves or transports products and is controlled by some kind of controller such as a PLC (Programmable Logical Controller).

I have been working in this school since Y 2000, before that i worked in Volvocars bodyshop controlling and serving a robot weldingline.


  1. What a lovely space Jorg.Do many students use this space? We have a lot of outdoor spaces for our stduents as our climate is much milder than yours.
    Why are they called 'joketeachers" ? I cant work this out.
    You sound as though you have a lot of very technical and intersting courses. How old are your students and how long are their porgrams?

  2. We call them joker-teachers cause they work like a joker in a cardgame. Their help fits in as good as any "original" teacher.
    It souns a bit funny, but it works great.
    I also can help other students then i usually have in my class.
    That will just be occasionally, if I have sparetime and some students have declared they need extrahelp.
    Mostly we have monday and wednesday after lunch for this.

  3. What a fantastic expression. I understand it completely now. If our students need extra help the teacher will try and make time to help them. If they have problems with maths, or English in our Vocational Colleges or schools we have teachers who can also help them a bit like your "joker-teachers". What sort of help do your students most need?

  4. It can be any course. Most help I think is needed in maths, but it can also be in electronics, physics, english and so on.
    We have this year 2 joker-teachers that are old students from our school. They are at university but have taken one year off to work at our school. In the autum they continue univerity.

    We have mostly one old student from us every year, this year the are two.
    It works great and they can also inform our student how life goes on after our school and how it works studying at university.


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