Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Entrance at Gothenburg Technical College TB, Inside

Hi! My name is Günter Sand.
I am teacher in the Industrial Enginering Program.
I work in a school that is a Upper Secundary School but we also have educations for som companys, people who wants to change their career and people without jobs.
This picture is from inside our entrance to one of our buildings. This building is located inside the Volvo Cars Area.
The school has three owners. Volvo Cars 25,5%, Volvo Trucks 25,5% and the community of gothenburg 49%


  1. It is inteersting to see that the partnership involves the city of Gothenburg. We have partnerships in Australia between big companies and schools and colleges but the partnerships dont often involve governments.
    How do you find teaching people who do not have jobs? Are there any special challenges with these students?

  2. This type partnership is also unusual in Sweden. Its from the mid ninties when it was a dip in the swedish economy.
    Then Volvo started the school to try keep their employees and raise their competence so the company and the employees were prepared for the future. After a couple of years they decided to start upperclass education.I think it was then the city of Gothenburg became involved.

    My respond to your question about people who do not have jobs, is from my view, a special category of people. Many time the situation is that they can not choose direction of their education themselves. "Someone" tells them what they must study and sometimes they got an education that is outside the students interests.

    We also have a lot of students from other countries. They have a special situation because, beside the normal studys they must also learn the swedish language.

  3. Gunter thanks for this explanation for the partnership as it seemed quite unusual. There are very few of these kinds of partnerships in Australian schools and colleges. Some companies run their own training schools but most students attend schools or colleges. We have similar problems with unemployed peoiple who have been told to get training in a particular industry that might not match what they are interested in. It is then difficult for the teacher to motivate them and this is a big question. We also have many people from overseas and they need to learn to speak English. We have many classes for these people.

  4. Its loos like you have really nice premises.

  5. Yes we have. We are very lucky. Inside the premises in Torslanda we have a lot of modern equipment, and the premises at Lindholmen are situated at the harbour side. I like:-)


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