Saturday, May 5, 2012

The lights spell "Merry christmas" in swedish. This is a project year 2 IT students had before they went on Christmas holidays. They have paired fairy lights and programmed on the computer. The program will flash in different patterns back and forth. This made the students in elkurserna and the task was very appreciated by the students.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

More equipment. Here we can see a server rack used to house labb servers. We also can se Wireless Wifi equipment and network stuff. We use mobile racks with network equipment for the students so they can be more mobile and we dont depend on a "static" lab room. in the far end of the room you can se labb computers used to build and train hardware courses on.

Friday, April 27, 2012

The pictures show our classroom environments. This picture shows the school's approach in the classroom with four "islands" and the teacher in the middle of the islands. The idea behind this is that the teacher should go to the student and the desire to deviate from the pulpit teaching for the benefit of mentoring for the students. 

This picture shows an image with computer equipment that students can learn to use. Each student has had his HP laptop that they use in their teaching. On the table, one can also see electricity subject where the solder circuit boards, which they then programmed on the computer.
This is the entrance to John Bauer upper secondary school. The school is located in Mölndal, about 100 meters from the Gothenburg border. and has 2 specializations Technology and Information Technology. The school was founded in 2010, so it is fairly new. In the current situation, the school has about 100 students in grades 1 and 2.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Photo 7

Through the whole assignment the students worket and showed a lot of enthusiasm. It was great to see that they were also very serious in their mission. It was a very rewarding task that increased the students confidence working with computers.

Photo 6

The pupils' task was that they would go through all the lab computers, fix them and replace components. The computers that could not be fixed, would be taken to the environment recycling center.

Photo 5

On this picture we can see a student truing too fix a start button that is stuck...