Tuesday, April 17, 2012

School buildning

My name is Andrea Palmberg and I work as a teacher at Göteborgs Tekniska College in the city of Göteborg in Sweden (www.gtc.com or www.gtg.se).
The school is situated in three different locations in Göteborg. In the picture above you can see our school building in Lindholmen.


  1. Lindholmen is a nice place.

    In the earlier days there was big boatyards in the harbour of Gothenburg, where theybuilt large oiltankers in the early seventies.
    But now are the boatyards not there any more, they are rebuilded as schools, apartments and sportsfacilities. A lot of companies has also moved into the harbour area.

  2. Oh so you run around in circles.
    Hi Hi! Just kidding. The school looks very plea cent.

  3. Andrea it looks like a lovely school. Do you enjoy working there?

  4. I very much enjoy working at my school! But actually I mostly spend my days in a more industrial environment in another school buildning far from this buildning.


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