Friday, April 27, 2012

The pictures show our classroom environments. This picture shows the school's approach in the classroom with four "islands" and the teacher in the middle of the islands. The idea behind this is that the teacher should go to the student and the desire to deviate from the pulpit teaching for the benefit of mentoring for the students. 

This picture shows an image with computer equipment that students can learn to use. Each student has had his HP laptop that they use in their teaching. On the table, one can also see electricity subject where the solder circuit boards, which they then programmed on the computer.


  1. This is wonderful. You really have mixed together technology and subject material teaching. Does the school provide the lap tops? In Australia ll our students are given lap tops when they are in Year 8 (about 15 yeasr of age). Most calssrooms now have smart boards and lots of computers for the students to use. It is excellent to see the students using the technology to assist their learning. Do many teachers use computers in this way?
    I also like the nested tables- it is very helpful for teaching and learning

    1. Yes, we provide laptops they get them in grade 1(16 years old) and if they get ther diploma after 3years they keep their laptop as their own. we do not use smartboars the teachers use laptops to and a mobile projektor. IT's the john bauer concept so yes all teachers use computers in their teaching.

  2. This is interesting. Our stuidents sometimes have to give back their lap tops when they have graduated from their courses. I am not too sure what you mean by the 'john bauer concept'. Can you explain this to me?

  3. John Bauer is just the name of the school. We had computers in our educations since year 2000 so its not something thats new. We try to use computers in our teachings, instead of books. And the computer is a much better tool than a book(im not saying books are bad) but computers can use media in a different way like, Internet, video and so on.

  4. John Bauer has from start arranged the tables in that way. its a pedagogic idea

  5. Peter thanks for this. We do not have many classrooms anymore that are arranged in the old way. I like the idea of the 'islands' for the reasons you gave. It gives the teacher a better opportunity to move around and help the students when they need it. This kind of individualised instruction is helpful. Do you find there is a lot of variety of learning styles in your classes?

  6. Yes of course, we use to vary witch lectures, media, working in groups. And we do projects spanning over many subjects including teoreticalsubjects like math, swedish, english.


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