Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Preparing for a class in communications technology. The photo is taken inside my part of the workshop!
The workshop is adapted for 16 students but my current class has 12students. so there are a lot more space than i´m used to. Offcource there are the advantage that all my student get moore supervission than normal and that has a large impact on their results.
A colleague named Fredrik!


  1. What a great classroom with lots of equipment. You must do a lot of practical work. Do your stduents work on projects? What teaching strategies do you find work best with your students?

    1. Hi, that a big question? First of all, all teaching materials are electronic, we use Pdf´s that we store online at a "teaching platform" and all students carry a borrowed laptop for their studies, so all pratical alements are carried out withthat laptop either as a stand alone machine or as a klient in a client server enviroment. And to answer one of yor question, yes there are a lot of equipment, We sorted out a deal with some local companies, the idea is that we handle all their used materials. The companis actualy save's money because they don´t hafe to dispose of any electronics att all, thats a hugh cost for companys in Sweden, so it´s a win win situation, we ofcourse get a lot of materials that the student can work on, realy upp to date stuff to! So what you see in this image is realy a small part on all the equipment we have!
      When it com´s to strategy then, well... usualy i like what i call Box play. i prefer and normaly i allways start my courses realy "boxed", I split the teaching material according to the chapters, i have between 1-3 lectures, starting with going throug what the book has to say and then adding my own experience i've been doing this for 16 years now. Then we prepare for the practical studies and they take place in the room you see abowe. and yes we do work in projects. So on the course i'm having know that called Local Network A, it's the first half of totaly 250h/points in this subject. we are setting upp a simple Domain, wery hands on so they get the feel of it:-), we are adding users, computers, printers, policys, Organisational units and so on, and att the end i let the students take on a similar project as a final exam project! So on this level of their education i tend to hold the good student back. it gives them time to really learn and study the details. This strategy keeps the student at the status/chapter and it makes my world a lot easier!

  2. Do you have a network within a network, or do you have a clean network out?

  3. Wow Niclas what a wonderful blog posting with so much information in it.It is also very good about the deal you arranged with the local companies to take their used equipment. I am sure the students then have the chance to work on a wide variety of equipment and learn a lot about the equipment.The students must really appreciate the benefit of all your experience in the industry. Oyur students certainly do and the experiences make the teaching and learning come 'alive'.I also like the idea that the students can do a project for their final exam. In schools we use these kinds of projects a lot and students learn the whole process and not just part of it. It really stretches their minds and skills. Do you mean in your blog that you keep all the students at the same place in their learning? I was not clear about this?

  4. How many students do you think is a good number to be able to have a good education-situation?
    Sometimes I have 20 students in one lab-class by myself and so I can´t fix helping them whithin a resonable time-period.

  5. 16 computers? is it half classes?


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